book Carol
Book Carol Woodard as your next keynote presenter, workshop facilitator or educator! Carol can speak on a variety of topics for any size audience. Most of her programs are geared toward educators and how to be impactful and successful in the classroom. She’ll tailor each presentation specific to your audience. Carol is experienced doing lecture-style, round table discussions and interactive workshops. Here is a sampling of her programs:

High Impact Learning: Be the Coach
All successful teams have a winning coach. It’s time to take your already successful teaching techniques to the next level! Discover when to coach the adult learner, when to send them back into the game and most importantly, when and how to celebrate the success of your student.

Effective Classroom Management for the Adult Learning Environment
Identifying what motivates the adult learner is key to effective classroom management in the adult learning environment. Discover the learning style of your student and you will learn their motivation. In this presentation you will learn techniques on how to handle classroom objections in addition to finding ways to facilitate change that will result in maximum learning for your adult student.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): Speaking the Learner Lingo
The emotional engagement of the brain is like the glue for all learning– without it, nothing sticks. This interactive program will help you identify key words or phrases that will ignite the adult learner’s learning process. Learn to speak the lingo and let every class become a class with staying power.

Imparting Knowledge & Skills with Staying Power
Learn what makes a successful presentation! Discover how to motivate your students to get to class on time, how to handle classroom distractions without becoming a bigger distraction, how to change the pace to keep your students involved, how to keep them motivated with focus and how to effectively use all four fundamentals of facilitation.

Serve It Up! It’s All in the Delivery
Learn the keys to making a successful presentation while setting the stage for learning. You’ll discover ways to use the art of questioning to achieve the desired outcome.

Teaching to Multi-Generational Learner's
Classrooms are full of multi-generational learners, challenging educators to customize their delivery methods for everyone from Baby Boomers to Gen Z. This program will give facilitators concrete takeaways for leading a class filled with any age group and discovering which methods work to unify the students. We’ll go back to the basics and find ways to introduce new facilitation skills to change the face of education. Whether you’ve been teaching for 50 years or have just started your career, this course will allow you to dive in and explore teaching in a way you never have before.

Binge Teaching
You’re a pro at binge-watching a Netflix series and can sit through a marathon of your favorite TV show, but how good are you at teaching to a generation who can play Pokemon Go, tweet their every step and Snapchat what they had for breakfast? This 12-hour class will give you the armor for engaging the selfie and hashtag generation. Discover ways to flip your classroom into a learning-based environment and start embracing the technologies your students are craving. You’ll learn how emotional intelligence can mold your lesson plans and you’ll bring excitement back into the classroom. This class is perfect for you if you’re: